The fourth of July is just around the corner and many peoples thoughts are turning to BBQ’s, spending time with family and friends, and fireworks galore. After you purchase your Uncle Sam’s Fireworks, you should know how to light them safely as well. From Roman candles to bottle rockets and from firecrackers to sparklers, fireworks are tons of fun, but they can also be dangerous in the wrong hands.
Do not let your Fourth of July festivities be ruined by someone getting hurt; instead, follow the safety tips below for how to light fireworks at your BBQ.
• Make sure to read any and all instructions that are included with the fireworks you buy from Uncle Sam’s Fireworks.
• Keep a bucket of water or a water hose ready to extinguish any fires that might be set when lighting fireworks.
• Before lighting fireworks, walk through the area and inspect for any flammable objects such as buildings, dry grass, leaves, and paper.
• Never light fireworks on a surface where they can possibly roll downhill, always light them on a flat, level surface instead.
• Make sure that your guests are out of range of the fireworks and that children and pets cannot get to the display. Fireworks can be dangerous and fatalities have happened.
• If you light a firework and it does not go off, you should never try to light it again. It could ignite and go off in your hands or your face.
• Make sure that you extinguish your used fireworks in water, so that they can’t reignite and cause a fire after everyone is inside for the night.
• Do not under any circumstances light fireworks when you have been drinking. Your judgement is clouded and disaster can occur.
• Light only one firework at a time. Make sure that each firework is completely spent before you attempt to light another one.
• Make sure to hold the fireworks away from your face at all times and never hold a firework after it is lit.
• Never, ever let children light a firework themselves, this is an adult thing, and children should watch from a safe distance.
Driving Safety Tips
The fourth of July is said to be one of the most dangerous times of year for drinking and driving. Safety tips for driving on July 4 are just as important and safety tips for lighting fireworks at your BBQ.
• Make sure that you drink responsibly on July 4. If you are at a BBQ and you have had too much to drink stay or have someone else drive you home.
• Put down the cell phone when driving. Nothing is so important that it cannot wait until you are stopped.
These are just a few tips to help you have a safe and happy July 4 BBQ. From being careful with lighting fireworks to being a responsible driver, these tips will stop you from becoming a statistic on Independence Day.
Awesome experience here at Uncle Sam's. Daniel was super knowledgeable and helpful. I have been to quite a few firework stores but never have I had such a smooth and seamless experience. This is definitely my new spot for fireworks!!
First time I went didn't disappoint awesome staff very helpful answered all my questions! Great selection too!
We sell the best fireworks products for the best prices in Chicago and Indiana.
Roman Candles
Aerials and Finales
PHONE: (219) 931-5600
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